Storyboard Rubric


Biography Project Storyboard

Teacher Name: Ms. Schroyer

Student Name:     ________________________________________







Clarity and Neatness

Storyboard is easy to read and all elements are so clearly written, labeled, or drawn that another student could create the presentation if necessary.

Storyboard is easy to read and most elements are clearly written, labeled, or drawn. Another person might be able to create the presentation after asking one or two questions.

Storyboard is hard to read with rough drawings and labels. It would be hard for another person to create this presentation without asking lots of questions.

Storyboard is hard to read and one cannot tell what goes where. It would be impossible for another person to create this presentation without asking lots of questions.


All content is in the students' own words and is accurate.

Almost all content is in the students' own words and is accurate.

At least half of the content is in the students' own words and is accurate.

Less than half of the content is in the students' own words and/or is accurate.

Required Elements

Storyboard included all required elements as well as a few additional elements.

Storyboard included all required elements and one additional element.

Storyboard included all required elements.

One or more required elements was missing from the storyboard.

Use of Time

Used time well during each class period (as shown by observation by teacher, and documentation of progress in journal) with no adult reminders.

Used time well during most class periods (as shown by observation by teacher, and documentation of progress in journal) with no adult reminders.

Used time well (as shown by observation by teacher and documentation of progress in journal), but required adult reminders on one or more occasions to do so.

Used time poorly (as shown by observation by teacher and/or documentation of progress in journal) in spite of several adult reminders to do so.

 Rubric created at